Juried Competition Honorable Mention Molly Matalon, born in 1991, is a photographer from South Florida. She received her BFA in photography from The School of Visual Arts in New York City. “In The Morning and Amazing draws on a common perception that associates sites in the domestic sphere — beds, couches, kitchens, and the boudoir — with the feminine, but reorganizes those spaces to feature male subjects. In my photographic practice I come to occupy those spaces with men, and exert a degree of control and power I have not found in my other entanglements with them, romantic or otherwise. I use familiar aspects of the domestic space as tools or props in the fantasy I’m constructing. In turn, these objects take on sensual or erotic valances. These still-lifes are fleshy, in various states of consumption, and speak to the moments in, before, during, and after sex. In my romantic novel, they are the punctuation. In this world men look at me the way I want to be looked at.” 📷: ‘Watermelon Shell,’ 2017. @mollymatalon #baxterstccny #photography

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