Juried Competition Honorable Mention Ian Lewandowski is a photographer from Northwest Indiana, presently living and working in Brooklyn. “From 2015-17, I mostly made pictures of men. Masculine images pervade my life. Served with the words and actions of the US President and the former Indiana-governor-turned-VP, the need for the Me Too movement, and the ongoing erasure of, and violent acts toward, feminine and non-binary presences, masculine energies continue to be positioned as vital. To be masculine feels dire and high stakes. Men-only spaces are protected and upheld first. When I make my work I tend to start with questions. What is at stake? Is there a method? These energies do not escape queer circles. The varied, complicated realities of queer people are easily compressed into monikers like “community”, a wording that has the capacity to further highlight and reify their difference, dismiss the nuance of their contribution. Binary thinking uncomplicates what has the potential to be reimagined.” 📷: ‘Election,’ 2016. @ilewando #baxterstccny #photography

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