Baxter St at CCNY has long been a catalyst for innovative creation within the artistic mediums of photography and video practices. Ranging from exhibitions, residency programs, and partnerships, our core mission is to support and activate a vibrant community deeply engaged in the art of lens-based contemporary practices. Take a look at the wide breadth of alumni that are a part of our wonderful and ever-expanding community.
Alexis Ruiseco Lombera
Baxter St. Residency (2020)

Alexis Ruiseco Lombera
Baxter St. Residency (2020)
Alexis Ruiseco Lombera is an artist making from the intersection of being non-binary and Latinx. Fluidly working across performance, video, photography, and sculpture, they stage creative interruptions as a meditation on the conditions of the personal and collective body, and its proximity to gendered violence and migrant identity. Articulated through installation or descriptive durational performances, their work interrogates the links between border crossing, exile, modes of mobilizing, death, and archive. Often using visceral elements, gesture, construction, or re-enactment and undergo strenuous, meditative, or ritualistic conditions. Ruiseco Lombera documents their performances through self-portraiture, moving image, they make live performance, and occasionally reproduce sculptural objects as an outcome. Utilizing conventional and unconventional materials, video, sound, and photographs, they operate from a process driven framework to create performances of affect. Their interdisciplinary performative language not only renders my contact with authority to question power, but also honors the poetics of historical excavation, to address the place and borders of being a queer Latinx immigrant.
Alexis Ruiseco Lombera graduated with a BFA from Parsons in New York, in 2016. Ruiseco Lombera has exhibited work at Brooklyn Museum, NY; 00Bienal De La Habana, Cuba; The Bronx Museum of the Arts, NY; Milk Gallery, NY; Galleria Menjunje, Cuba; Andrew Freedman Home, NY; Leslie Lohman Museum, NY; Knockdown Center, NY; Visual AIDS, NY; Company Gallery, NY; Baxter St CCNY, NY; MDC Kendal Art Gallery, Miami; Kellen and Aronson Gallery, NY. They have performed at MoMA for Tania Bruguera, Adrian Piper, and Simone Forti. They were a resident at the Marble House Project and fellow of En Foco Photography, TU Cuba, and AIM at the Bronx Museum. Ruiseco Lombera’s work has been featured in Vogue, Wallpaper, VICE, W Magazine, NEWSPAPER, and Nueva Luz.