Baxter St at CCNY has long been a catalyst for innovative creation within the artistic mediums of photography and video practices. Ranging from exhibitions, residency programs, and partnerships, our core mission is to support and activate a vibrant community deeply engaged in the art of lens-based contemporary practices. Take a look at the wide breadth of alumni that are a part of our wonderful and ever-expanding community.
Dannielle Bowman
Baxter St. Residency (2019)

Dannielle Bowman
Baxter St. Residency (2019)
Dannielle Bowman is a visual artist working with photography. Bowman received a BFA from The Cooper Union and an MFA from the Yale School of Art. In 2019, she was a contributor to the New York Times Magazine’s The 1619 Project. Bowman has been an artist in residence at Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York; the Center for Photography at Woodstock; and PICTURE BERLIN. She was awarded the 2020 Aperture Portfolio Prize and was a recipient of the 2020 PHMuseum Women Photographers Grant. In 2021 she will participate in the Light Work Artist-In-Residence program. Bowman has exhibited in the US and internationally. She lives and works in New York.
Bowman’s work investigates the histories of people left out of the grand historical narratives with which we are more familiar. Previous to this project, she photographed monuments, artifacts of antiquity, and landscapes of historical significance in the U.S. In What Had Happened, Bowman returns to where she grew up (the Baldwin Hills, Inglewood, and Crenshaw neighborhoods of Los Angeles, CA), opening her own history to ask questions about the role location and landscape play in personal evolution.