Baxter St at CCNY has long been a catalyst for innovative creation within the artistic mediums of photography and video practices. Ranging from exhibitions, residency programs, and partnerships, our core mission is to support and activate a vibrant community deeply engaged in the art of lens-based contemporary practices. Take a look at the wide breadth of alumni that are a part of our wonderful and ever-expanding community.
Katherine Hubbard
Baxter St. Residency (2016)

Katherine Hubbard
Baxter St. Residency (2016)
Katherine Hubbard is an interdisciplinary artist living in New York who works at the intersection of photography, performance and writing. A series of landscape photographs, bygone from here (2015), was included in Greater New York at MoMA PS1. Shot in southern Utah, bygone from here resists the singularity of the photographic image through multiple exposures. To interrogate processes of image production, the tilted position of the photographs reorient the horizon line while densely layered exposures undo the stillness and fixity of a photograph. Hubbard’s work was the subject of a solo exhibition at the Kitchen, NY in 2016, after which Hubbard will participated in Chinati’s artist residency program in Marfa TX. Hubbard’s work has also been exhibited at Recess, NY? the Brooklyn Museum, NY? Vox Populi, PA? Higher Pictures, NY? Renseriet, Stockholm, Sweden? Murray Guy, NY? Marlborough Gallery, NY; and the Museum of Arts and Design, NY. Hubbard received an MFA from the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College and attended the Skowhegan School of painting and Sculpture in 2015.
Exhibition Statement:
I am haunted by the hegemony of language as the primary mode of meaning making and find myself in a constant scramble to realign the sensory totem. If vision is a mechanics connected to the mind, and the mind is a field of subjective experience then I posit that we do not see the same things. How does the body think perception? If perception is of the body and thinking is self reflexive how do we bring mindfulness to that of the body which is taken as a given? What does the subjectivity of vision offer towards framing a politics of looking? I am an interdisciplinary artist whose work takes form at the critical intersection of writing performance and photography. My work relies on specificity, both in terms of location, body/ies, and formulations of power. All filtered through the exchange of gaze from the body onto the camera and from the camera back onto the body. I use this combination of elements to interrogate processes of image production. Exploring both the successes and failures of the camera to capture the world as it is experienced directly, and create images that instead lead the viewer to consider the formal dimensions of the photograph itself, interrogating its capacity to fix and commodify its subject.