Baxter St at CCNY has long been a catalyst for innovative creation within the artistic mediums of photography and video practices. Ranging from exhibitions, residency programs, and partnerships, our core mission is to support and activate a vibrant community deeply engaged in the art of lens-based contemporary practices. Take a look at the wide breadth of alumni that are a part of our wonderful and ever-expanding community.
Kaz Senju
Baxter St. Residency (2018)

Kaz Senju
Baxter St. Residency (2018)
To Know A Stranger
Kaz Senju is a visual artist, who was born in Japan, resides in Brooklyn, NY. Senju practices the medium of photography, video, and installation to address his interest in communities that are otherwise under-represented. His recent projects include “3 Years Past” (2014), a documentary film of interviews with high school students from Fukushima, Japan discussing their lives after the nuclear power plant accident in 2011. His most recent photo series “Shinjuku Story” (2017) captures the LGBTQ community in Tokyo though a mixture of portraiture, interviews, video, and street photography.