Abby Robinson

Blue Room © Abby Robinson
Thursday, March 18th, 7pm
The School of Visual Arts Amphitheatre
209 E. 23rd Street (2nd and 3rd avenues), 3rd Floor
(please bring photo ID)
Q & A to follow the lecture.
Free to CCNY members, SVA students, faculty, and staff
General admission $5, $3 for other students with ID
Abby Robinson, a photo instructor at SVA, is an award–winning photographer whose work has been exhibited in the US, Europe and Asia. Recent projects have been done in conjunction with grants from the Asian Cultural Council, the Fulbright Program, and the American Institute of Sri Lankan Studies. She has received grants from NYFA and the Siskind Foundation and has had fellowships at Yaddo and MacDowell, along with other artist residencies, including Three Shadows in Beijing. Her photographs have appeared in Shots, The New Yorker, Newsweek, Photographers International and The New York Times, and she is a contributor to the new Trans–Asia Photography Review.
Abby Robinson will be leading SVA‘s Digital Photography Residency in Shanghai this summer. The three–week residency gives participants an intimate view into China‘s photography community and is open to all who have had at least two years of photographic experience. For more information and to apply online, please visit the SVA Arts Abroad web site, or email Program Coordinator Eleanor Oakes at