Aritst Biography:
Nica Ross is a New York based visual artist who works with photo, video and light. Nica holds a B.A. in Cinema from San Francisco State University and an M.F.A. in “Advanced Photographic Study” from the Bard/International Center of Photography program. Prior to their graduate education Nica worked as a photographer and producer for 3 years at, a San Francisco based BDSM and fetish porn company. In New York Nica co-hosts a monthly audio and visual event, WOAHMONE, for which Nica creates original live video performances and curates work from a wide-variety of visual artists. WOAHMONE has performed all over New York City from the International Center of Photography to Dixon Place and is featured in the Museum of Art and Design’s book The Fun: The Social Practice of Nightlife in NYC. In addition Nica has worked with 3-Legged Dog Media & Theater group in immersive media design and production and also joins The Joshua Light Show in creating light and video installations in venues such as the Hayden Planetarium, Performa 11, and Art Basel Miami 2011. Nica’s photographic and video work has appeared in/on MOLD:PEDESTAL (Secretary Press, 2013), Garden Party Arts “Trickle Down” (, 2013), The International Center of Photography’s Triennial “A Different Kind of Order” (2013), (August, 2012 Featured Artist), Dixon Place Hot Festival (2012), (2012), WREST (, 2012), the 8th International Conference of International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (Madrid, 2011), Artist’s Statement Picture Show (Beacon, NY, 2011), New York Art Book Fair (2011), MIX NYC (2009), and San Francisco’s Camera Work Journal (2008).
I use photo, video and performance to create immersive environments/alternative realities/fantasy fortresses in an attempt to harness and revel in desire. I draw inspiration from pleasure driven activities such as fetishes, porn, gaming, and sports. My practice involves both creating and collecting the props/detritus/narratives of such activities in an attempt to harness and spread the desire inherent in these activities.
The images above are the beginning of a photographic journal which I’ve been keeping since Spring of 2014. Since then I’ve taken a point and shoot film camera with me everywhere. Using old rolls of film found in my desk drawers, in closets, and free sample kits I’ve taken photos documenting my surroundings during a difficult and transitional time in my life. I left the rolls undeveloped until January of 2015, gifting myself with a time capsule that tells a different story than my memories of this time.
Artist Website: