Here are a few selected sites where you can purchase photo books, artists’ books, independently published books, author designed books, and the like.

Please make a note in the comment section if there are places that I left off that you use, or have used to purchase independently published works of interest. In preparing this list I discovered that Zybooks in the UK is out of business, as is Bongout in Berlin.  Further evidence that making money in the book trade is tough, and that new shops come and go.  If you are a collector of precious printed matter buy when and where you can, for inspiration, research, greed or altruism.

As you browse these book sellers (some focus on distribution or publishing, as well) take note of the variety of publication formats and types, content too.  Are they similar?  What are they called or labeled as?  You may notice that the naming conventions are not fixed.  What one artist/designer/publisher calls a zine, is a self published photo book to someone else, or an artists’ book to another, or a designer authored publication.  There is a fluidity in publishing terminology used by authors and sellers that is fast and loose, moving freely beyond the 20th century naming convention of “artists’ books”.


Here is a listing of shops I am familiar with, and I encourage you to visit each:

Printed Matter

Art Metropole


Ooga Booga

Boekie Woekie

Vamp & Tramp

Pogo Books

Self Publish Be Happy

Dashwood Books


Family Los Angeles




Book storming

One Star Press

Artists Books

J & L Books

Florence Loewy

Antenne Books

Public Library


Umool Umool

Frenetic Happiness

Rollo Press

Spector Books

Split Fountain

Kingsboro Press


— Enjoy!